Thursday 15 December 2011

And the winner is....

Yesterday we pulled the first winner from our McDonald's Crew program!Ryan L. from Iroquois Shore in Oakville is the lucky winner of our fully stocked Red Bull Fridge! We'll be pulling our next winner on Wednesday December 21st so we're encouraging the crew to keep up the great work for your chance to win!!

Although it's dark and rainy outside, we are not letting the weather get us down! Today we have some exciting things happening at the House. We are touring some of our friends from TD Bank this morning as they are donating $50,000 to the House so we can build a new Volunteer Lounge as part of our expansion project. We can't wait to show them how it's coming along and introduce them to our new Volunteer Manager, Shelley Harrison.

This afternoon we are stopping by the CHML radio station to accept our donation from this year's Christmas Tree of Hope fundraiser!

Now if only this rain would turn to snow and we could all get into the holiday spirit a little bit more... only 10 days until Christmas!

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