Thursday 17 March 2011

Check out our New Construction Video!

Hi Everyone,

When you get a chance you should take a look at the new video we have above!Things are really starting to change around here, it is unbelievable! We cannot wait until everything is done!

Last week our staff put on a pancake breakfast for our wonderful construction workers. These men have been here all winter working hard to build the addition to our house so many more families will be able to stay with us in the future! We are so greatful! Pictures will be available soon.

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Look At Our Backyard Now!!

Welcome to our new blog we will be posting updates about construction and information relating to the campaign itself each week. Today I just wanted to post some new pictures of our backyard so you could all see the changes that are happening.

Also next week RMHH staff will be cooking a pancake breakfast for our wonderfully hardworking construction fellows and the families of RMHH. I will post some pictures next week so you can meet them yourself.

Wow things are really starting to change around here!